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Showing posts with the label tuition fees


How to set up savings plan for children's education

Let us prepare education savings for kids. Make sure there is always a happy smile, for today and future.   Image: When you fall in love, and at the moment when you take an oath faithfully when married, you would have to imagine a happy marriage, and then have a healthy and beautiful baby. After that you also want to prepare for the future of your children. The best way to do that is to provide them with a good education, so it is important that parents are financially ready for the child's education. Considering the high inflation rates school fees have experienced in the recent years, it is important that one should also include an investment plan for child education in that check list. When it comes to establishing a financial plan, check out some of these ideas that'll get you started! The first thing you should do is to save every month to your income aside, is to open a savings account at a bank. Make sure the savings are not used for any ...